Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Back to the Beginning, Part 1

Your creation by God is the only Foundation that cannot be shaken, because the light is in it.   Your starting point is truth, and you must return to your Beginning.  Much has been seen since then, but nothing has really happened.  Your Self is still in peace, even though your mind is in conflict.  You have not yet gone back far enough, and that is why you become so fearful.  As you approach the Beginning, you feel the fear of the destruction of your thought system upon you as if it were the fear of death.  There is no death, but there is a belief in death (A Course in Miracles: T-3.VII.5.5-11).

“The disciples said to Jesus, ‘Tell us, how will our end come?’  Jesus said, ‘Have you found the beginning then, that you are looking for the end?  You see, the end will be where the beginning is.  Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning; that one will know the end and will not taste death’” (The Gospel of Thomas, Logion 18; Scholar’s Version).


I have worked with many clients who view themselves as flawed, broken, unworthy, even evil.  They understand that they have good in them, but they see this good as warring with an equally strong evil.  For them God is at war with and in opposition to the devil, and their life is seen as the battleground.  Their life experiences have taught them they are “bad.”  Add to that a Christian theology of “original sin” that has been preached to them since they were a small child and the picture becomes bleak indeed.

How we answer the question of whether or not we are inherently good or evil will be determined by how we view our origins.  It is a question of fundamentals.  We will need to focus on our beginning – the “starting point” of our creation – in order to understand our essential nature.

In the preceding paragraph you will notice several words that are in italics.  These words, in one way or another, refer to our beginning.  A Course in Miracles often refers to our “inheritance.”  This is what we were given at our creation.  As we look at ourselves and the lives that we have been living, it might seem as if we are the prodigal son who has squandered our inheritance.   The truth is, however, that we cannot lose what God has given us.  If we could lose it then it was never really given to begin with.  What God gives to us is eternal. 

As long as we focus on what we have made of ourselves and on the particular circumstances of our birth and upbringing in this world, we will see a picture of limitation, pain, suffering, short-comings and countless mistakes – in a word, “sin.”  It will seem as if our inheritance has been wasted (the word “prodigal” means “wasteful”).  And, from the point of view of this world – the world as seen through our limited and false perception – it does appear that we have lost our way. 
However, if we can return to our beginning – to our creation by God – what will our experience of ourselves be?  Will we see the same picture?  The question we can ask ourselves is, “Does the spirit that God created have evil in it?”   

We might engage in evil actions in this world (“bodies behaving badly”).  There is no denying that this occurs in the world of form.  The question, though, is: “At the level of spirit – what we truly are – do we have evil in us?  Can a totally good God create a spirit that has evil in it?  If so, wouldn’t that imply that there is evil in God?”  The logic of the Course might go something like this:  God is only good.  God created us (the spirit) in His image and likeness (as an extension of Himself).  Therefore, the spirit that we are is only good.

That which is wholly good creates only that which is also wholly good – that which is love creates only love – that which is eternal creates only that which is also eternal.  If we experience anything else (either in ourselves or in the world) it must be a distortion of what God created.  God, who is perfect, pure, and good cannot create anything that is imperfect, impure, and bad.

“Your creation by God is the only Foundation that cannot be shaken, because the light is in it.   Your starting point is truth, and you must return to your Beginning” (T-3.VII.5.5-6).  Our creation by God is our Foundation.  It is what is fundamental.  Everything is built on this one Foundation.  And, it is a Foundation that nothing can shake – nothing we have done, nothing anyone can say, nothing we might believe about ourselves, nothing at all.  This is our starting point, and it is the truth.  Instead of focusing on who we have become, we need to return to our Beginning – our starting point – our Foundation. 

“Much has been seen since then, but nothing has really happened.  Your Self is still in peace, even though your mind is in conflict” (T-3.VII.5.7-8).  Through false perception we have seen much since our creation.  But, thankfully, nothing has really happened.  The separation from God and the rest of creation is just a “tiny mad idea.”  It never really happened.  Even though we still might perceive falsely and even though our minds seem to be in conflict, the Self that God created is still in peace.  The only lesson that is repeated in the Workbook of A Course in Miracles reads, “I am as God created me.”  The Self that God created has not changed and never will. 

“You have not yet gone back far enough, and that is why you become so fearful.  As you approach the Beginning, you feel the fear of the destruction of your thought system upon you as if it were the fear of death.  There is no death, but there is a belief in death” (T-3.VII.5.9-11).  When we think of our beginnings, we typically think about our birth and our early childhood experiences.  The Course is telling us that we have not gone back far enough.  We are instructed to return to the Beginning.  As we approach the Beginning – our Foundation – we will feel fear.  What we are afraid of is the destruction of the ego’s thought system and all that we think we are.  Because we identify with the ego (the false self that we have made) we believe that its death means our death.  In reality there is no death.  There is only the giving up of what is false for what is true.    

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