Monday, January 25, 2016

Uncompromising Love

(The following is an excerpt from the book I am writing on forgiveness called Loosening the Cords.  I welcome any feedback)

Although many people would say that A Course in Miracles is complicated and confusing, the fact is the Course has a very simple message.  However, most people who have attempted to read it would not agree with that assessment.  It seems to me that the Course is often seen as confusing because we ourselves are confused.  However, as we study the Course and apply its ideas (instead of our own confused ideas), we gradually “get it.”  From then on we can pick up the Course and read any part of it and understand its Truth.

After many years of studying the Course, Robert Perry recently came up with an idea that he believes is his best summary of the teachings of the Course to date.  It is just one sentence, and I do agree that it does capture the essence of the Course.  I don’t think I could say I agree with Mr. Perry without also having personally studied and applied the Course myself.

So, the idea that Robert Perry came up with that summarizes the message of the Course is…

“Nothing compromises love.”

The love that created us, the love that sustains us, the love that we live, move, and have our being in cannot be compromised by anyone or anything.  If it if could be compromised it would not be “divine.”  God’s perfect love is uncompromising. 

What does it mean that this love is uncompromising?  First, let’s look at the word “compromise.”  One definition of compromise, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is a “settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions.”  With this first definition a compromise is reached when two parties can agree on a decision in such a way that neither party is getting what they really want.  Both parties are sacrificing or losing a little of what they want in order to come to a decision they can both settle for. 

The second definition of compromise is “something intermediate between or blending qualities of two different things.” With this second definition we have two different things blending together to create a third thing that contains some of the qualities of the original two while losing some of the uniqueness of the original qualities.  Again, sacrifice or loss is implied with this compromise.

The third definition of compromise is “a concession to something derogatory or prejudicial (‘a compromise of principles’).”  We might imagine someone with a certain set of values or principles – say, a young man who values women and gender equality – who works for a company with “unwritten policies” that he disagrees with – policies that discriminate against women.  He would compromise his principles if he went along with these policies instead of speaking out against them.

Other synonyms for the word “compromise” are:

Fifty Fifty
Half Measure
Middle Ground
Give in
Split the Difference
Give and Take

A love that can be compromised is a weakened form of love.  It would be a love that is mixed in with something opposite to it – like fear or hate.  A God whose love can be compromised is a God who will sometimes love and sometimes hate – a God who will split His love between two people so that neither get His full love – a God whose love can be jeopardized.

A compromising love, therefore, does not sound like a divine love.  It sounds very human to me.  And, that is often the problem.  We humans, with our limited capacities for love, make God in our own image.  We imagine Him as an angry God – a judging God – a fickle God.  Because of our own limitations, we limit the Divine.  However, what the Course teaches us over and over again is that our efforts to limit the Divine are fruitless.

In Reality God’s love cannot be compromised.  It is an uncompromising love.  One definition of “uncompromising” is, “Showing an unwillingness to make concessions to others, esp. by changing one’s ways or opinions.”  God is unwilling to make concessions to us.  He is unwilling to change His ways or to change His mind to suit our limited capacity for love. 

Some synonyms for “uncompromising” are:


These are great words to describe God’s love for us!  Use any of the above words in the following sentence and note how it makes you feel:

God’s Love for me is ________________.

God’s love for us is unbending.  He never changes His mind about us.  In the Course we read,

When anything threatens your peace of mind, ask yourself, "Has God changed His Mind about me?"  Then accept His decision, for it is indeed changeless, and refuse to change your mind about yourself.  God will never decide against you, or He would be deciding against Himself (

Nothing can prevent what God would have accomplished from accomplishment.  Whatever your reactions to the Holy Spirit's Voice may be, whatever voice you choose to listen to, whatever strange thoughts may occur to you, God's Will is done.  You will find the peace in which He has established you, because He does not change His Mind.  He is invariable as the peace in which you dwell, and of which the Holy Spirit reminds you (T-13.XI.5:3-6).

In that last passage we find another synonym for uncompromising – “invariable.”  God is invariable.  The peace within which we dwell is invariable.  It is this peace that the Holy Spirit is constantly reminding us of – if we will only listen to His Voice instead of the voice of the ego. 

What God wills is done.  It is accomplished.  Nothing can stop it from happening, because it has already occurred.  We can be asleep to Reality, but we cannot alter Reality.  There is nothing – absolutely nothing – that we can to that will cause God to change His mind about us or that will cause God to kick us out of the heaven of his unyielding love.

And, since we are God’s creation and we are made in His image and likeness (not the other way around), any time that we limit our love we are denying what we are.  We are the ones who are trying to compromise love.  We are the ones who are deciding who is in and who is out.  We are the ones condemning others – and ourselves by extension – to hell. 

The good news of the Course is that, try as we might, we really can’t compromise God’s love.  We don’t have the power to determine who is in and who is out.  There is no hell to be condemned to.  We are either living in the Reality of God’s love or we are living in an illusion.

Therefore, if we are going to be true to our creation by God, we are going to have to practice unlimited, unbending, uncompromising love.  We are going to have to practice this love so much that it becomes second nature for us.  We will have to practice this love so much that it overrides our selfishness, our fears, and our limiting beliefs.  This is how we claim our inheritance as God’s children.  This is how we claim the love that is our birthright.     

According to the Course, God’s love is given to all of His creation equally.  He can’t give more love to one child than He gives to another.  If He did this, His love would be compromised.  Each child of God gets all of God’s love.  Any differences between one child of God and another is wholly of our own making – and is an illusion.  Since divine love is given equally to all, our love (as it is transformed from human love to divine love) is given equally to all, or it is not true love.